Owners of Professional Tourist Yachts and the Yachting industry as a whole, face various challenges, and our needs are becoming increasingly complex. SITESAP intervenes and represents Professional Owners in all matters with public and private bodies. It participates in public discussions, presents viewpoints, advocates for interests, and shapes decisions and situations for the benefit of all its members.
Members of SITESAP have exclusive access to information on all matters concerning the Marine Tourism sector through email and the SITESAP website. This includes access to legislation, articles, and useful information regarding technical matters, marinas, affiliated professionals, and more. Each member of SITESAP is entitled to one vote at the General Assembly.
Finally, through the Secretary, members can directly inquire about issues concerning their companies and vessels to stay up to date with the latest developments.

Individuals, companies, or co-owners who own Professional Tourist Boats without crew, as defined in Article 5 of the statute, can become members of SITESAP
Membership can be gained by any person who meets the conditions below, in accordance to their capacity for legal action as defined by to Civil Law. These conditions are categorized and can apply alternately, not cumulatively, as each person can have only one membership. κάθε πρόσωπο που πληροί τις παρακάτω προϋποθέσεις, πλέον της ικανότητάς του για δικαιοπραξία σύμφωνα με το Αστικό Δίκαιο. Οι προϋποθέσεις τίθενται σε κατηγορίες και μπορούν να ισχύουν μόνο εναλλακτικά και όχι σωρευτικά, καθώς το κάθε πρόσωπο μπορεί να έχει μόνο μία σωματειακή συμμετοχή.
- Category A΄: Natural personswho own or participate in co-ownership of a professional tourist boat "without crew" (Bare Boat) and legally hold the professional status derived from the operation of the vessel or vessels.
- Category B΄: Natural persons who participate in corporate entities, as follows:
- Β1:In the case of General Partnerships (Ο.Ε.) that own or co-own professional tourist boats "without crew," up to two managing partners can become members.
- Β2:In the case of Limited Liability Companies (Ε.Π.Ε.) that own or co-own professional tourist boats "without crew," up to two managing partners can become members.
- Β4:In the case of Public Companies (Α.Ε.) that own or co-own professional tourist boats "without crew," the President or the Managing Director and two members of the Board of Directors can become members.
All individuals in Category B may become members of the Association, provided they are involved in a profession related to the industry, in accordance with the legislation on Professional Associations.
- Category C΄In the case of Marine Companies for Pleasure Yachts (Ν.Ε.Π.Α.) that own or co-own professional tourist boats "without crew," the President and two members of the Board of Directors can become members (as natural persons).
Membership eligibility is verified by the Board, convened and held in accordance with the specific provisions of the current statute. In the event of a rejection by the Board, the applicant may appeal to the first regular or urgent General Assembly, which decides definitively on the acceptance or rejection of the application.
By submitting the application, the applicant certifies that:
- All information in the application is accurate.
- They fully accept the provisions of the Statute, the Internal Regulations, and the decisions of the S.I.T.E.S.A.P. General Assembly without reservations.
- They accept the Personal Data Protection Policy of S.I.T.E.S.A.P.
- They undertake the obligation to pay the membership fees and other legal contributions to S.I.T.E.S.A.P. (Registration Fee (one-time) 100,00 € and annual membership fee 150,00 €
- They do not participate in more than one (1) primary professional organization.
- If they cease to own or co-own at least one professional boat, they will promptly inform S.I.T.E.S.A.P.
The application should be submitted along with the following documents:
- Proof of Nationality of at least one vessel.
- Certificate of Boat Registration in the e-Registry.
- Legal and Taxation Documents of the Company (Incorporation, Representation, Commencement, etc.).
The application and supporting documents can be sent electronically to: