About Us
The Association of Owners of Professional Tourist Boats without Permanent Crew (S.I.T.E.S.A.P.) is the Professional Association established in 1996 to represent the owners of professional recreation boats. Its purpose is to represent the owners in all their dealings with the relevant authorities, to advance their professional interests, and to promote the services they provide.
It's members are more than 750 businesses that own and manage over 3,000 boats of various categories, sizes, and types throughout the Greek waters. During the peak of their activities, it is estimated that the provide more than 5,000 jobs, both full-time and seasonally.
The Association is governed by a seven-member Board, elected every three years by the General Assembly of Members. The Board appoints representatives for the association in important geographic regions with multiple members.
The annual turnover of the industry is estimated to exceed 100,000,000 Euros, not accounting for the value-added tax (VAT). It should also be noted that the sector affects approximately 50 different professions and contributes significantly to the local economies of islands and coastal areas.
Most businesses in this sector are small, with many being family-owned. Due to the working environment (the sea, islands, boats), it attracts the interest of the younger generation, which is essential for its sustainability in Greece. These businesses are capital-intensive, and they make a significant contribution to both revenues and employment. Moreover, they showcase the country's tourism product, as 95% of boat rentals are carried out by foreign tourists.
S.I.T.E.S.A.P.'s purpose is to promote Greek maritime tourism worldwide, and it actively advocates for its positions through public dialogue and continuous interventions with both state and local authorities. It also keeps its members informed on current issues and relevant institutions by organizing conferences and other events.
Remaining committed to its principles, the association has successfully gained acceptance from the state and professionals in the sector.
S.I.T.E.S.A.P. is an active member of:
a)The European Boating Industry (EBI),representing the marine tourism and recreational boat industry in Europe.
b) The Federation of Greek Associations of Tourism and Travel Agencies ( FEDHATTA).

Association of Owners of Unmanned Tourist Professional Boats (S.I.T.E.S.A.P.)