7/2: Participation in the cutting of the New Year's Cake of by YNANP
The President and the Public Relations Manager attended the Ministry of Maritime Affairs New Year’s celebrations. On the sidelines of the event, there were meetings with senior officials of the Ministry and the Coast Guard. We expect a meeting to be set with the Head of the Inspection Service of the Coast Guard to discuss Ship Inspection issues
13/2. Meeting with the Board of the “PORTOLANOS” association
The Board meeting of SITESAP was attended by the President, Mr. Maleas Giorgos, and the Vice- President, Mr. Drettas Grigoris, of the ''PANHELLENIC ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNORS AND CREWS OF RECREATION BOATS - PORTOLANOS'' They presented their union, the terms and conditions of their work on the boats were discussed and it was agreed to set a new meeting where we will arrive at the formulation of mutually acceptable terms and conditions of their work on our vessels.
114/2: Meeting with General Secretary of Shipping and Ports
A delegation consisting of the three trade unions of the sector SITESAP, EPEST & PENETIS met with the Secretary General of Shipping and Ports Mr. Kyriazopoulos and other officials of the Ministry. The main topic of the meeting was the increased needs for berths and wintering places, especially after the latest increases in Alimos Marina
and other marinas. Also discussed was the issue of placing floating pontoons in the Port of Lavrio and the issue of the contents of the yacht’s pharmacies.
Λαυρίου και το θέμα του εξοπλισμού των φαρμακείων.
14/2 Elections at Hellenic Chamber of Shipping
In the HCS elections, the President, Mr. George Pateras, and the Vice-President, Mr. George Alexandratos, were re-elected to their positions. Mr. Vassilis Politis was elected as a Member of the Board of Directors and the Representative of the Professional Tourist Yachts. We wish the success in their work.
2/21: Meeting with the Managing Director of the Lavrio Port Authority.
The president and the General Secretary met with Mr. Vakondios, Managing Director of “Lavrio Port Authority SA”. The subject of the discussion was the placement of the floating pontoons in the port, the procedure to be followed in the distribution of the new positions, the berthing prices and the necessary additional infrastructure.
Ετήσια Γενική Συνέλευση
On the 20/2 the Board decided to hold the Annual General Meeting on 31/3. At the same time, the meeting will also be statutory. It will be possible to participate and vote electronically. More information will be sent to you with the relevant invitation. We point out that the financial arrangement of the members is necessary for participating in the meeting. Especially those who want to participate electronically should have arranged their subscriptions at least two weeks before the meeting. Those who will be physically present at the assembly can settle their debts before entering the hall.
Amendment of the Statute and the Internal Regulation
The preparation of the amendment of the Statute and the Internal Regulation has also been completed. Soon all the amendments will be sent to the members to study them and send their own proposals so that those with the majority's agreement can be voted on.
22/2: Participation in the 3rd Panhellenic Yachting Conference
As we announced, SITESAP sponsored the 3rd Panhellenic Yachting Conference held at Glyfada Golf Course on 22 & 23/2. The Πresident Mr. Bibis participated in the first two panels of the conference. The first panel had a theme: THE INSTITUTIONAL ROLE IN GREEK YACHTING and the second on MARINAS. The discussion of the first topic was attended by the Deputy Minister of Shipping, Mr. Pappas. Several issues of the institutional framework were discussed, including VAT on charter fees. After the discussion, the President of the Maritime Chamber, Mr. Pateras, announced that a meeting will be held between the Deputy Minister, Mr. Ioannis Pappas, the Deputy Minister of Finance, Mr. Theoharis, and the NEE to discuss and resolve the issues raised.
In the discussion of the second panel after the report of the Πresident, Mr. Bibis, that there is no central planning for the construction of marinas and berthing places in general, the General Secretary of Tourism, Mr. Flouris, announced that it was agreed with the Union of Marines of Greece to carry out a strategic study for the development of new ports and infrastructure.
Στη συζήτηση του δεύτερου πάνελ μετά την αναφορά του προέδρου κου Μπιμπή ότι δεν υπάρχει κεντρικός σχεδιασμός για την κατασκευή μαρινών και γενικότερα θέσεων ελλιμενισμού, ο Γενικός Γραμματέας Τουρισμού κος Φλουρής ανακοίνωσε ότι συμφωνήθηκε με την Ένωση Μαρινών Ελλάδας να γίνει στρατηγική μελέτη για την ανάπτυξη νέων λιμένων και υποδομών.
27/2. Update on industry issues to the member of the Board of Directors of the NEE, Mr. Vassilis Politis.
The meeting of the Board was attended by Mr. Vassilis Politis, member of the Board of Directors. and representative of Professional Tourist Boats in NEE at his request. We presented all the issues that concern the industry and he promised that the Maritime Chamber as the official advisor of the state will support and promote our requests. The first action is the joint meeting of the Deputy Ministers of Finance and Shipping and the NEE mainly on VAT matters.
απασχολούν τον κλάδο και υποσχέθηκε ότι το Ναυτικό Επιμελητήριο ως επίσημος σύμβουλος του κράτους θα στηρίξει και θα προωθήσει τα αιτήματα μας. Πρώτη ενέργεια είναι η κοινή συνάντηση των υφυπουργών Οικονομικών και Ναυτιλίας και του ΝΕΕ κυρίως για τα θέματα του ΦΠΑ.
28/2: Meeting with the Secretary General for Tourism Policy and Development of the Ministry of Tourism
Representatives of the three unions EPEST, PENETIS & SITESAP met with the General Secretary of the Ministry of Tourism and presented to him the problem of the lack of berths and the uncontrolled increase in prices. Mr. Flouris asked the unions to submit a specific proposal for the creation of a marina.
28/2 Meeting with the new Yacht Owners Association in MYKONOS.
The president, Mr. Bibis, and the General Secretary, Mr. Delikaris, attended the meeting of the members of the new association in Mykonos. The local problems that exist were discussed and it was suggested that they also become members of SITESAP.
29/2: We were informed by N.E.E. on the result of the meeting that was announced at the 3rd Panhellenic Yachting Conference
29/2: We were informed by N.E.E. on the result of the meeting that was announced at the 3rd Panhellenic Yachting Conference, between the Ministries of Shipping, Finance and the NEE on the issues of VAT, tax information certificates and others. The relevant announcement was published in our Facebook group.
29/2: Process of finding a new place to house the offices
On 29/2, the concession we had for the use of the SITESAP office at 14 Taxiarchon Street in Alimos expired. The owner of the building requested our immediate departure from the building. The Board began the process of finding a new place to house our offices.